Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB980
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification  - AB982
Professional patient care bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB981
Professional patient treatment bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB986
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB444
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB994
Professional science bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB983
Professional social services bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB991
Security and public safety bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB992
Technical bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  AB993
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistant bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification - AB987
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants: 2007-09 contract ratification  - AB443
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification  - AB984
Employment Relations, Joint Committee on (Senate)
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB719
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB309
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB720
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB709
Home care providers bargaining unit: 2011-13 contract ratification -  SB725
Law enforcement bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification  - SB718
Professional education bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB715
Professional engineering bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB678
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB710
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification  - SB712
Professional patient care bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB711
Professional patient treatment bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB716
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB310
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB724
Professional science bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB713
Professional social services bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB721
Security and public safety bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB722
Technical bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification -  SB723
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistant bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification - SB717
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants: 2007-09 contract ratification  - SB311
U.W. Milwaukee program, project, and teaching assistants bargaining unit: 2009-11 contract ratification  - SB714
Finance, Joint Committee on (Assembly)
Budget bill  - AB75
Finance, Joint Committee on (Senate)
State finances and appropriations and other changes (budget adjustment bill) -  SB62
Joint Legislative Council, (Assembly)
Biofuels: financial assistance for biorefinery, ``agricultural use" definition revised, Bioenergy Advisory Council, forestry diversification program, Biofuels Production Facility Regulatory Review, marketing orders, personal renewable fuel production and use, income tax credit for blender pumps, offering unblended gasoline to motor fuel dealers, renewable motor vehicle fuel sales goals and requirements, state fleet provisions; reports required; OEI, DATCP, DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOR duties; JSCTE appendix report -  AB408
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - AB825
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  - AB297
Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established -  AB780
City and village laws revisions - AB213
Continuity of government: striking ``resulting from enemy action in the form of an attack" to include other causes. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR59
County-tribal law enforcement programs: administration of aid clarified -  AB211
Disaster assistance program: appropriation increased -  AB318
Emergency management: chap.116, Wis.Stats, recodified -  AB316
Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion and local levy limit increase above set percentage exception for unreimbursed expenses re emergency declared by Governor  - AB320
Extended supervision: maximum term revised, exceptions specified; JRCCP report -  AB497
Foster and treatment foster parents: training requirements revised, kinship care relatives provision  - AB823
Foster children and foster parents: DCF to create expectations by rule -  AB824
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  - AB296
Interim successors for legislators, virtual meetings, and temporary locations in event of a disaster or emergency  - AB317
Juvenile court jurisdiction extended to certain foster youth until they reach 21 years of age -  AB822
Lifelong learning accounts program created; employer, income tax credit, and DWD provisions - AB294
Recidivism reduction by 25% through community services required, report revisions; Corr.Dept appropriation for mental health services and transitional employment program for persons on parole or extended supervision and at high risk of reoffending -  AB499
Revoked parole or extended supervision: confinement in prison for six months or length of remaining sentence required; Corr.Dept given authority to extend confinement after revocation under set conditions -  AB498
Risk reduction sentence: list of offenses that render a person ineligible eliminated; Corr.Dept authority to modify an inmate's program and when an inmate may be released modified; JRCCP report -  AB500
RN and LPN renewal process: workforce data submitted to the Board of Nursing required; DRL and DWD duties  - AB293
RTAs created by political subdivisions permitted, municipal insurance mutuals provision -  AB282
Structural collapse emergency response: establishment of regional structural collapse teams, standards specified; DEM duties set -  AB319
Temporary custody hearings: notification to adult relative of the child required, definition provision; notification contents specified; exception to confidentiality of agency and child abuse and neglect records -  AB298
Tribal law enforcement officer's powers to enforce state law: liability insurance option created  - AB212
Tribal schools, pupils, and staff: providing benefits and protections similar to those provided to private schools, pupils, and staff -  AB210
Joint Legislative Council, (Senate)
Adult criminal court jurisdiction over a juvenile: reverse waiver criteria modifications -  SB150
Biofuels: financial assistance for biorefinery, ``agricultural use" definition revised, Bioenergy Advisory Council, forestry diversification program, Biofuels Production Facility Regulatory Review, marketing orders, personal renewable fuel production and use, income tax credit for blender pumps, offering unblended gasoline to motor fuel dealers, renewable motor vehicle fuel sales goals and requirements, state fleet provisions; reports required; OEI, DATCP, DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOR duties; JSCTE appendix report -  SB279
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - SB571
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  - SB211
Child removed from parental custody: county department or DCF required to notify adult relatives of the child; temporary custody hearing, permanency plan, and placement provisions; exception to confidentiality of child abuse and neglect records - SB212
Child welfare provider revisions re surplus revenue and rates for out-of-home care; performance-based contracting system established -  SB567
Continuity of government: striking ``resulting from enemy action in the form of an attack" to include other causes. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR39
County-tribal law enforcement programs: administration of aid clarified -  SB147
Disaster assistance program: appropriation increased -  SB228
Electronic medical records tax credit program revisions re standards for the interoperability of health care information technology, ARRA provision -  SB312
Emergency management: chap.166, Wis.Stats, recodified -  SB226
Expenditure Restraint Program exclusion and local levy limit increase above set percentage exception for unreimbursed expenses re emergency declared by Governor  - SB230
Extended supervision: maximum term revised, exceptions specified; JRCCP report -  SB315
Foster and treatment foster parents: training requirements revised, kinship care relatives provision  - SB569
Foster children and foster parents: DCF to create expectations by rule -  SB570
Integrated service programs for children with severe disablities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  - SB210
Interim successors for legislators, virtual meetings, and temporary locations in event of a disaster or emergency  - SB227
Juvenile correctional costs: additional funding to counties under certain conditions -  SB151
Juvenile court jurisdiction: additional provision for waiver to adult criminal court re examination of juvenile by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or another expert; report requirement  - SB149
Juvenile court jurisdiction extended to certain foster youth until they reach 21 years of age -  SB568
Juvenile court jurisdiction: permitting a juvenile to file a petition for waiver repealed; requiring certain factors be considered for retaining jurisdiction and waiving jurisdiction  - SB153
Juvenile court jurisdiction: rebuttable presumption for retaining jurisdiction created re waiver proceedings for first offender - SB152